
Via Pinterest

I'm a light chaser, a storyteller, an adventurer, and a golden dreamer. 

My name is Megan Elaine (nickname is Mess or Messy). My life is messy, but overall beautiful. I like to find joy in simple and miracles in mundane. Chocolate, joyful people, and worshiping Jesus is my fuel. 

I'm attracted to light pink sweaters.  If my wild, curly hair isn't down, it's up in a messy bun. When I type I use way to many smilies and explanation points. My heart beats with the rhythm of drums and my soul dances to sweet voices that lift up our Saviors name. Oh, and I think coffee is one lovely little thing. 

I like to spill my heart out in ink and take snapshots of the beautiful, whimsical things around me. There is just something about the way words flow on to paper and the way the shutter clicks that makes me feel alive and passionate. I just know I'm supposed to capture my life and the things around me with these two ways of creativity. Also, wondering and adventuring makes my heart fly like a bird. Counting the yellow lines and the on coming headlights makes time slow down for me.

Since I am a dreamer and a storyteller I can quiet easily get caught up in another story rather than my own. I chase after things I my head and write a story about what my life could be instead of what it really is. But I've been learning that my life is beautiful and majestic right here where I am, where God has placed me. This story that He is writing for me is way better than any story I could ever write or dream up. 

So this is me. 
Just a lighter chaser,
golden dreamer,
kind of girl,
and these are my dreamy words. 

~A Few Things I Love~

Creating music, coffee and tea, my wonderful friends and family, ocean waves, blue nail polish, sunny spring days, relaxing days off, cardigans, starry nights, red hair, freckles, m&m's, Psalms 33 & 34, christmas lights, flowers, old farmhouses and buildings that hold secrets and stories, laughing and crying, music, books that break my heart (but in the good way), purple ink, writing in my journal, rainy days, coffee shops, baking yummy things, chandeliers, quoting songs, autumn, pumpkin bread, taking photographs of everything, and this quote:

"The journey of life is a long, fascinating dance, so start dancing." ~ Unknown



  1. Could I get your email? I have some questions about your photography.

    1. You can send me any questions you have if you click the link: https://rooftopsecrets.wordpress.com/contact/

      Rooftop Secrets is the new blog I am writing on.

  2. Could I get your email? I have some questions about your photography.
