Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Some Poetry

The people who have read this blog for awhile know that I used to write and post poetry a lot. I still write poetry but I post them over on my poetry blog The Poetic Golden Soul now. I thought it would be nice to post a few of my favorite poems on here though. Just a little something different.  I hope you all enjoy! 

If you are interested in reading more of my poems you can good over to my blog, The Poetic Golden Soul


  1. I absolutely loved this. I think my favorites are the last one and the third to last! So, so beautiful. I'm a bit of an aspiring poet as well, but I'm not nearly this good (yet) ;)

    Thanks so much for sharing! By the way, I'm new to your blog but I'm already pretty much in love with it. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!


    a vapor in the wind

    1. Thank you so so much! I'm glad you like my poetry and my blog. That makes me smile. Your blog is pretty cool too! Thanks for commenting. :)

  2. I always look forward to your posts and am never disappointed. I just love these so much! The way you write is so beautiful! <3

    1. Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoy them. :) Thanks for commenting!
