Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Via Pinterest
As I stair into the last sunset of this year, I get an overflowing peace. I know it can only be from the one Who created the sunset itself. It's December 31, 2014 and all I can think about is how good our God is and how I made it through another year. This past year has been bitter but sweet. Hard but rewarding. I didn't really keep any New Years resolutions that I planed last year. As a matter of fact, I can't even remember of the top of my head what they were. But there is one thing I do know. God was good through out it all. I went places that I never thought I would go. Did things that I never thought I would do. Even though my plans that I thought were good never really happened, His plans were better. He is a great planer and a wonderful surpriser.
I'm reminded in these last few hours of 2014 that no matter what I do, I'll never get it right and I'll never be perfect, I'll never be able to please everyone, and I will fall sometimes. I do have a few New Years resolutions, but they don't define me. What I'm going to focus on this year is, instead of trying to get it all right, focus on the one who makes it right. Instead of determining to do better, I'm going to determine to get closer to Him. Instead of making a long list of things to do on my own, I'm going to try and notice all that He is already doing and join Him in that. 
As the door opens to the new year. I'm going to focus on Jesus and walk with Him. No matter what happens it will all be for His glory and honor. 

Happy New Years Everyone!! No matter what you've been through this past year, 2015 is bright, beautiful, with no mistakes… yet. Embrace it with all you got. 

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